PDOS is a one-day comprehensive orientation seminar for overseas Filipino workers. It discusses employment contracts, country profiles, health and safety, financial literacy, travel tips, and other useful information to help Filipinos prepare for their departure.
You might be wondering if this pre-departure education program is really necessary. Yes, the answer is yes! It serves the critical purpose of reducing risk to workers, particularly those who are leaving the Philippines for the first time to work abroad. This PDOS consists of seven modules designed to provide comprehensive guidance to aspiring Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).

The PDOS Seminar is a valuable resource for departing OFWs. They learn what to expect, as well as what to do and what not to do when they arrive in their destination country.
They are made aware of relevant government agencies and important hotlines to which they can turn for assistance with any problems they may encounter (e.g. abuse, conflicts between expectations and the realities of their contract, loans, etc.).
The program essentially provides OFWs with one-day counseling support. It prepares them for what life will be like away from home, the rules and regulations they must follow, the customs and traditions they must respect, and other employment-related interests or concerns.
You will be given a Certificate of Completion once you have completed the PDOS. This document must be presented at the airport upon departure.
Who is PDOS for?
- Emigrants
- Temporary Workers
- Overseas Filipino Workers
What does PDOS offer?
The program will be covered within six hours and consists of the following topics:
- Migration realities
- Travel procedures and tips
- Destination country profile
- Health and safety
- Financial literacy
- Employment contract
- Available government programs and services for OFWs
All OFWs and Emigrants are welcome.
You are exempted from PDOS if
The emigrants listed below are exempt from attending the PDOS/Peer, but should still use the Reservation and Registration Online System (R&R) to submit data online and visit the CFO personally or send an authorized representative to obtain the Emigrant Registration Sticker from the Commission:
- Children aged 12 and under;
- Senior citizens (over the age of 60);
- Those suffering from mental illness or who are psychologically challenged.
- Those who are unable to work due to chronic or long-term illnesses;
- Residents/immigrants/emigrants who have remained in the destination country for a total of two months, who can show proof of stay (issued ID) traveled abroad, obtained a visa from the host country, and so on.)
- If registering by proxy, the representative must present the following documents:
- Medical report/certificate (except those 60 years old and above)
- A letter of authorization from the emigrant (if applicable); and
- The proxy’s original, valid identification card, along with a photo.
Proxies who are NOT the children’s legal/natural/biological adoptive parents
Children aged 12 and under must present the following documents:
- One (1) original valid identification card with the proxy’s photograph, and
- A duly notarized authorization letter signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s), issued in the Philippines or elsewhere.
For Temporary Workers
- Passport (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it)
- Endorsement paper from a recruitment agency
- Employment Contract (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it)
For Emigrants
- Passport (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it)
- Visa (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it)
- 2×2 Picture (1)
- Valid ID with photo (SSS, GSIS, PRC, Driver’s License, Postal ID, ARC, etc.)
- Nula Osta (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it) – Note: This is only for Italy-bound emigrants
- Immigrant Data Summary (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it) – Note: This is only for US-bound emigrants. Must not be detached from visa packet.
- Confirmation of Permanent Residence – Note: This is only for Canada-bound emigrants. Must not be torn or signed before departure.
- Certificate of Eligibility (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it) – Note: This is only for Japan-bound emigrants
- Letter of Approval for work to residence visa (Present the original and prepare a Xerox copy of it) – Note: This is only for New Zealand-bound emigrants)
- Visa Grant Notification Letter (Printed Copy) – Note: This is only for Australia-bound emigrants
- Employment Contract (Xerox Copy) – Note: This is only for immigrant workers
- Duly completed Registration Form for Emigrants https://cfo.gov.ph/
For Immigrant Workers
- PDOS Attendance, Guidance Counseling or Peer Counseling Session
- P400.00 Registration Fee
- It addresses the basic needs of OFWs, mainly on adjustment difficulties.
- It provides answers and responses to all concerns of OFWs
- Provides enough knowledge to cope with the new environment and minimize the effect of culture shock on OFWs while working in their host countries.
- Informs OFWs who to call in case of emergency and unexpected happenings.
How to Join PDOS Seminar in the Philippines for Household Workers
Step 1: Your recruitment agency will schedule you for the Pre-Departure Orientation Program.
Step 2: Your agency will automatically inform you of your PDOS schedule. Be prepared for the orientation, here is the download link for Zoom App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings.
Step 3: Attend the seminar on the given date and don’t forget to note the important details.
Step 4: After completing the seminar, you will be given a certificate. Present this certificate at the airport on your departure date.
How to Join PDOS Seminar in the Philippines for Emigrants
Step 1: Go to google chrome and search “CFO Online PDOS Account Creation” You can use this link https://cfo.ph/Online_PDOS_Account_Creation/CutOffTime.aspx
Step 2: For you to register, just fill up all the necessary information. Some of the questions can be answered by clicking the pull-down menu. You will be asked to provide an email address, so make sure to put an ‘active’ email account.
Step 3: Upload a photo of your passport and visa.
Step 4: Check your email inbox and find the message from CFO. This message contains all the requirements you need to send. The following requirements will include Valid Visa, Valid Passport, and Valid ID for you to get a schedule for the PDOS webinar
Step 5: You will receive an email with a link for registration after attending the webinar. Click this link and you will be redirected to the CFO Online Registration Form.
Step 6: Fill up the CFO Online Registration Form with the necessary details. Don’t forget to click ‘Save’ after every page, then click ‘preview’ for the final checking of errors.
Step 7: Pay the registration fee of P400.00. You can do this on Bayad Centers and through your Online Wallet.
How to Pay the PDOS registration fee online?
Below are the ways you can pay the PDOS registration fee:
Payment thru Gcash
- Choose ‘Pay Online’ on the Delivery Details page.
- Choose ‘Gcash’ as your mode of payment.
- Click on ‘Proceed’ and confirm your payment by hitting ‘Agree and Pay’
- A receipt will pop up on your screen with transaction details. You can save this receipt.
Payment thru Bayad Center
- Use your reference number (it should be 10-digit) This reference number is valid for 72 hours from the time you choose the Bayad Center mode of payment on the Delivery Details page.
- Ask the cashier to process your payment under the name ‘MPay Biller’
- Pay using the exact amount. Any amount less than P400.00 will not be processed, the excess amount will not be refunded either.
- CFO will email you confirming the payment you made.
Step 8: Send a copy of your passport, visa, and receipt to ofcors.payment@cfo.gov.ph
Step 9: You will receive an OF-CORS temporary certificate when your payment and registration was confirmed.
Step 10: A tracking number will be sent to you via email after receiving the documents from CFO.
Step 11: Present this and your OEC at the airport as clearance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions and answers about the PDOS process:
1. Am I exempt from taking PDOS seminar?
12 years old and below are exempted, as well as 60 years old and above.
2. Where will I be using the PDOS certificate?
You need to present this at the airport, so make sure to bring it on the day of your scheduled flight.
3. What if I am a tourist visa holder? Do I still need to attend PDOS?
Yes, because every Filipino who will leave the country to work or settle abroad is required to attend this seminar.
4. Is PDOS required for student visa holders?
Yes, international and exchange students must attend PDOS.
5. Do I still have to attend CPDEP if I’ve already attended PDOS?
CPDEP and PDOS are different programs, but one thing is for sure – you are only required to complete one.
The Pre-Departure Orientation Program or known as PDOS serves as an exit clearance from the Philippines. The said seminar will provide preparedness and well-equipped knowledge on how to adapt to sudden changes when working or migrating to other countries around the world.
This PDOS is required for all Filipinos departing the country. This can be considered as an added protection from all kinds of danger that Filipinos may encounter outside the Philippines. Remember that a better understanding of something can stand as a defense or advantage wherever country you are, whoever you are communicating to, and whatever you are dealing with.