The Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines is a government-run insurance program that provides a wide range of benefits for its members, including loans, pensions, and maternity and sick leave benefits. In order for Filipinos to qualify for membership, you must be able to pay your monthly contributions and comply with all of the SSS’s requirements. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how the SSS works and what benefits it can offer you.
As an employee in the Philippines, you are automatically enrolled in the SSS when you start working. Your employer is responsible for making your monthly contributions, which are deducted from your salary.
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You can also make voluntary contributions to your SSS account if you want to increase your benefits or if you’re self-employed. Voluntary contributions are paid directly to the SSS

Most Filipinos rely on their active income jobs. No investments, no business, no passive income to rely on after retirement – this is the reality.
The ideal retirement for Filipino laborers is 60 years old and they can extend it up to 65 years of age.
After retirement, some are lucky to have a huge amount of retirement pay from their employer, and those who are not will depend on their last pay or maybe little savings. This is why the government set a Social Insurance Program to safeguard each Filipino member and beneficiaries.
If you are a laborer, your employer must have required you to get an SSS membership. The Social Security System is an insurance program made by the government and it has a wide coverage. It covers Sickness, Maternity, Disability, Funeral, Death, and even Retirement benefits. But this is not only limited to this because SSS can also provide loans for wages, housing, business, and education.
What is SSS?
SSS is an acronym for Social Security System. It is a government institution that manages the social insurance program in the Philippines.
Purpose of SSS
SSS gives every Filipino a chance to secure their future after retirement or separation from work due to any valid circumstances. It gives cash benefits for Sickness, Maternity, Disability, Funeral, Death, and even Retirement benefits to its members.
About this Agency
The concept of SSS started in 1948 when Former President Manuel Roxas signed a bill to create a social security system. This is for Filipinos who are wage earners or low-paid workers. In 1954, the Social Security Act or also known as Social Security Law was passed by the government.
In 1957, SSS finally started its operations, which is right after the proclamation of the Social Security Act of 1954. After a few years, the SSS became more strong and more dedicated. A new Social Security Act of 2018 was modified by RA No.11199. SSS aims for a better life for every Filipino they have a motto in their system called “work, save, invest, and prosper.”
The Social Security System (SSS) has three main types of membership; Compulsory, Self-Employed, and Voluntary. For employed SSS members, the contribution will be deducted on a compulsory basis from their salary. But the said contribution will be shared by the employee and employer. The monthly SSS contribution is made of 11% of your monthly salary, the 7.37% of this 11% will be shouldered by your employer.
Functions and Responsibility
The Social Security System is there for Filipino people to implement programs for private and informal sector workers.
SSS Benefits
Sickness- It can provide a daily cash allowance for members who failed to work due to sickness or injury. The amount of sickness benefit the member will get is 90% of the member’s daily salary. It can cover a maximum of 120 days per year.
Maternity- This is exclusive for SSS female members. If you are unable to work due to childbirth or miscarriage, SSS will give a cash allowance grant. The benefit you will get is equivalent to your daily salary multiplied by 60 days (for normal delivery or miscarriage) and 78 days (for caesarian section).
Disability- This is for permanently disabled members. Those who became partially or disabled due to physical and mental damage.
Retirement- SSS can give you a monthly pension after you retire from work or a lump sum. A member who has paid at least 120 months of contributions and already separated or retired from work at the of 60 will get a lifetime pension. On the other hand, a lump sum amount will be given to those who failed to make at least 120 monthly contributions. Lump-sum is not a lifetime pension, but a one-time cash grant.
Death Benefit- The deceased member will be granted a monthly pension or lump sum through his legitimate dependent (spouse). This will be suspended after the dependent remarry. If the deceased member is single, the secondary beneficiaries will be their parents.
Funeral- The family of the deceased pensioner will receive a funeral grant worth P20,000 – P40,000.
Types of Membership
Who are considered voluntary members?
- If you are a non-working spouse of an SSS member, you can be registered under the voluntary membership.
- If you are a previous SSS member with “employed” status and you are already separated from work.
- If you are a previous SSS member who opted to be self-employed and resigned from work.
Who is considered self-employed?
- Someone who is not working for a company as a regular employee and is not more than 60 years old. If you are self-employed and you wish to change your SSS membership status to self-employed, you must be earning at-least P1,000.00 a month.
- If you have your own business.
- Self-employed members may also include but are not limited to partners or single proprietors of the business, Actors and Actresses, Directors, News Correspondents, Content Writers, Professional Athletes, Coaches, Trainers, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions Filipinos have about SSS for your reference:
1. How to become a member of SSS?
You can apply for a SSS membership at any branch near you or sign up for an application online. When applying for SSS on any SSS branch you need to bring proof of your identification, it can be your ID or Birth Certificate. Fill out the registration form.
After completing the registration form the designated staff will give you an E-1 form where you need to put your Name, Address, and possible Beneficiaries. This paper will also be imprinted with your unique SSS Number.
2. What exactly is My.SSS?
Don’t get confused, My.SSS is an online website where members can access all information about their records. As an SSS member, you need to sign up for an account, then you will have all the access to your SSS membership.
Having an online account can make your SSS transactions easier and faster like downloading documents and forms, checking and verifying your contributions, requesting loans, etc.
3. Why do I need to sign up for an SSS account online if I can just transact personally?
Since fraud is scattered everywhere, data secured online platform for SSS members is the best move. Upon registering an account in My.SSS, you will see how the process could be so strict. In short, no one can sign up for an account using your name and details.
Why? Because the website requires a lot of requirements that scammers and hackers can’t provide. Having the complete name, address, and SSS number wouldn’t be enough to make an account.
4. Who is eligible to register at My.SSS?
- Regular employers
- Employed members who have been reported for coverage by their employer
- Self-paying members such as self-employed people, nonworking spouses, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), and other volunteers.
- Members who have contributed for at least one (1) month
- Domestic Workers
5. How can I apply for an SSS Loan?
The first and most important requirement to avail of an SSS salary loan, is a minimum of a 36-month contribution. In the past decades, you can only apply for a loan by visiting an SSS branch personally. But since the agency is pushing people to use a more convenient and safe transaction, especially during this pandemic, you can just request a loan online.
6. What are the loans and benefits available for SSS members?
SSS provides a wide range of loans and benefits for its members here are some:
- Salary Loan
- Calamity Loan
- Pension Loan
- Maternity Leave Benefit
- Sick Leave Benefit
7. Can I start receiving a SSS pension while currently employed?
Technically speaking, you can be employed and start receiving a pension, but you must be at least 65 during that time. The optional retirement for an employee is 60 years old, while the technical retirement is 65 years old.
But with the regulations and policy of companies here in the Philippines, the maximum age for employed laborers is 65 before they will be subjected to compulsory retirement. So it will be impossible for many to start receiving a pension while still working for a company.
Social Security System famously known as SSS might not be the best life insurance in the country, but for people who have a very small salary and earnings – it could be the best option. SSS provides a wide range of help for different types of laborers or employees. For SSS members under employed status, the employer will shoulder a certain percentage of their contribution. So even if the employee’s salary is very small, SSS contributions per month will not be a big burden to live.
Another good thing about this government insurance program is the qualification for people who want to be members. As long as you can pay for your monthly contribution and comply with all their requirements, you will become a member of SSS.
If you are in the adulating stage of life, think of something that will save your finances in the future. Something that can help not just you, but also your family. Register now at the nearest branch of SSS or apply online.