The Migrant Workers Office (MWO) in Japan is mandated to promote and protect the welfare of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) while fulfilling their contracts. By verifying OFW’s employment documents, MWO can ensure the legality of their employment. Also, a verified Employment Contract is a requirement to secure Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC). For OFWs, read on to learn the process of Individual Contract Verification in MWO Osaka, Japan.
Verifying employment documents allows the labor Attaché to check if OFWs contracts comply with current laws, standards, and practices of the Philippines and the host country. With a verified Employment Contract, OFWs can protect their rights, welfare, and benefits. Thus, OFWs should process their Individual Contract Verification in MWO Osaka, Japan.

For those who wish to verify their contracts, here are the qualification criteria for Individual Contract Verification in MWO Osaka, Japan:
- Filipino nationals without POEA records but working abroad or those who transferred job sites with a new employer
- Filipino workers registered with POEA but have changed their employers on-site
- Filipino workers with potential employers and an employment visa approved by the Immigration Department
- Filipino nationals who legally migrated to a foreign country and converted from migrant status to a worker status (such as dependents, permanent residents, petitioned family members, spouse or fiance visas)
- Filipino workers on a fixed-term contract (verify every renewal)
In addition, qualified applications should comply with the following documentary requirements for Individual Contract Verification in MWO Osaka, Japan, including:
Professional/Highly Skilled deployment track
- Application Form (MWO-Skilled Application Form)
- Duly accomplished POEA Standard Employment Contract – attested by Japan Notary Public
- Copy of the Immigration approval for employment (Certificate of Eligibility)
- Original Company Registration (tokibo tohon) – issued by MOJ within the last three (3) months (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- For sole proprietorship, present the latest proof of tax payment – issued by the appropriate Japanese government agency (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- Letter/Certification from employer/principal on the number of employed Filipino workers
- Copy of Medical Insurance given to the worker based on the labor laws of Japan
- Copy of worker’s passport (data page only) – with at least six (6) months validity before the intended date of departure
- Copy of valid passport or ID of the authorized signatory (member of the board of Directors) – with English translation
- If the authorized signatory is not in the company registration, present an Authorization Letter signed by a member of the board of Directors.
- Company Profile with flyers/brochures
- Contingency plan, if applicable
- Other documents required by MWO Osaka
Agency Hire (Accreditation of the Employer thru licensed PRA)
- Application Form (MWO-Skilled Application Form)
- Recruitment Agreement – notarized in Japan and signed by both parties
- Manpower Request/Job Order – stating the position, number of required positions, and salary per position
- Copy of Business/License Permit – issued by the appropriate Japanese regulatory office (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- Original Company Registration (tokibo tohon) – issued by MOJ within the last three (3) months (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- For sole proprietorship, present the latest proof of tax payment – issued by the appropriate Japanese government agency (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- Master Employment Contract (POEA Standard Employment Contract) – signed on all pages by the principal or authorized representative
- Copy of PRA’s POEA License not expiring in 60 days (if expiring, present POEA certification for application renewal)
- Copy of valid passport of the PRA president or authorized representative
- Copy of passport/government issued-ID of the principal/employer president/authorized representative
- Company Profile with flyers/brochures
- Contingency plan, if applicable
- Notarized Joint Affidavit of Undertaking
- Other documents required by MWO Osaka
Household Service Workers for National Strategic Special Zones
- Original Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the Japanese Immigration
- Copy of worker’s passport (data page only) – with at least six (6) months validity before the intended date of departure
- Notarized Affidavit of partner PRA indicating the deployed worker has appropriate training/skills and competence to fulfill her obligations
- Certificate of Work-Readiness and Orientation – issued by the partner PRA
- Complete set of Individual Employment Contract with original signatures
- Copy of approved Master Employment Contract
- Copy of the Accreditation
- Accomplished Application Form POLO-Form NSSZ-2019 v1
Overseas Performing Artists (OPAs)
- Original Individual Employment Contract
- Original/copy of the worker’s Certificate of Eligibility
- Other documents required by MWO Osaka (such as deployment list, previously verified employment documents, etc.)
Specified Skilled Workers (SSW) deployment track
- Application Form – use SSW Form No. 06-2019V1 (Annex E/F)
- Copy of Business/License Permit – issued by the appropriate Japanese regulatory office (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- Company Profile
- Original Company Registration (tokibo tohon) – issued by MOJ within the last three (3) months (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- For sole proprietorship, present the latest proof of tax payment – issued by the appropriate Japanese government agency (with English translation, signed and duly certified by the translator)
- List of the duties, tasks, and responsibilities or description of the occupational category the worker should accomplish
- Recruitment Agreement (POEA template) – entered into by the AO/DC and the Sending Organization (SO) duly notarized in Japan
- Copy of the valid POEA license of SO and data page of the passport owner
- Copy of the valid passport (data page only) of the owner or an authorized representative of the AO/DC – with attached Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
- Manpower Request/Job Order – use SSW Form No. 01-2019V1 (Annex C)
- Employment Contract (Annex B)
- Salary Breakdown – use SSW Form No. 01-2019V1 (Annex C1)
- Notarized Joint Affidavit of Undertaking
- Other documents required by MWO Osaka
Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) deployment track
- Recruitment Agreement (POEA template) – issued by the SvO to the Sending Organization (SO), duly notarized in Japan
- Technical Intern Offer (TIO) – use POLO TITP Form No. 2018-01
- Certification of the number of employees POLO TITP Form No. 2018-01a
- Additional Technical Intern Offer – use POLO TITP Form No. 2018-03
- Employment Contract for Technical Intern – use OTIT Reference Form
- Addendum to the Master Employment Contract – use POLO TITP Form No. 2018-02
- Notarized Joint Affidavit of Undertaking
- Other documents required by MWO Osaka
- Copy of the following with English translation, bearing the name and signature of the translator:
- Business/License Permit – issued by the MOJ, MHLW to the SvO
- Notification of License Term of SvO – issued by the MPJ and MHLW
- Original Company Registration – issued by the MOJ to the SVO
- Criteria of Job Category and Operation – issue by the MHLW
- Draft Technical Plan
How to Verify Employment Contract in MWO Osaka, Japan
To verify Employment Contract in MWO Osaka, Japan, follow the steps below:
- Email MWO Osaka with Employment Contract Verification Appointment as the subject. Include your full name, address, phone number, and preferred date and time for the appointment.
- For Professional/Skilled workers –
- For Agency-hired –
- For TITP deployment track –
- For SSW deployment track –
- For OEC-related concerns –
- Print or screenshot the confirmed appointment schedule.
- Complete the documentary requirements.
- Visit MWO Osaka on the day of your appointment.
- Present your proof of appointment and valid ID to the security personnel.
- Secure a token number from the security personnel.
- Head to the processing documents and submit your requirements for evaluation.
- Pay the verification fees.
- Then, collect the official receipt and wait for the issuance of your verified Employment Contract.
To sum up, a verified Employment Contract is essential for OFWs, especially first-time workers or those who have changed employers/job sites. Meanwhile, OFWs should verify their Employment Contract before vacationing in the Philippines to avoid hassles in securing OEC. For more details on Individual Contract Verification, OFWs may contact MWO Osaka via email at